Thoughts from another place

I wonder when I changed. I can't say that my change was triggered by anything that made a high impact in my life that made me reanalyze the status of my life. It was sudden. It was unexpected, and it was swift in its resolve. Was the move that made me analyze that I had been living under a thumb not someone's thumb but my own failed frustrations and expectations and had started to force myself to live with what I had and not expect anymore? Was it living alone that triggered a new way of life? Or was the newfound comfort of not having other people's vibes mess with my neutral and peaceful vibes?
Its an interesting place to be when you've made peace with yourself and people you've known your entire life see this and it brings up the horrifying question that they have been trying to avoid into mind: "What am I doing?" and in a way forces people to indirectly act out and lash out much more than before. My parents are a particularly interesting set of people as I have explained throughout this blog where I tell you how my parents fell out of love throughout the years and I watched this happen from behind closed doors, and silent whispers. My parents are highly unstable people, but this is expected of them because after all they are people. They react to things like people. It took me a long time to realize that they were not these fleeting visions that I should strive and model my own life after, and I finally understood when my parents consistently preached their own mistakes to me in order for me to avoid these mistakes and make new mistakes that they were not given the opportunity to have.
However, while I have realized that my parents are only human my parents have failed to realize that I am only human as well even though I do a lot more in the same amount of time that they have had I have probably done more in a different tangent of life than they did in their tangent.


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